About Us
Abcell-bio is a privately-owned biotechnology company located within the Genopole Biocluster in Evry, and specializing in the isolation of human hematopoietic stem cells and primary cells from cord blood and tissue. We are a small innovative company, driven by a love of science and a passion for providing high quality products.
And since we know that your research work cannot wait, we have developed a unique network of maternity hospital partners to ensure a guaranteed supply of cells, combined with high reactivity on specific orders
How we work

What people are saying
Research scientist
Head of an INSERM unit, France
“I head up a laboratory working on human stem cells. Our objective is cell therapy (vascular diseases, burns, chronic wounds). My team has often had occasion to use different types of primary human cells produced by ABCell-Bio. It saves time for the team and avoids issues around the supply and separation of human tissue and cell culture (often taking over a month).”
Sophie Zozine
Project Manager
“I wanted to change our supplier of endothelial cells and discussed this with one of my colleagues. She sang the praises of her former employer, so I contacted ABCell-Bio to find out a bit about their products. They offered us, at an unbeatable price, a “discovery kit” with cells and the adapted culture medium. This allowed us to do a few trials to see if these products would be suitable for us. Today, ABCell-Bio has been our supplier for this cell type and culture media for a year and a half. I wanted to check out what other companies do, as the endothelial cells and medium I was buying at the time weren’t very good quality. With ABCell-Bio it’s like night and day, the quality is excellent. They’re always available to help and they really listen. They’re extremely accommodating and try their best to satisfy your needs. Sometimes they’ll include a freebie in the package like a bottle of culture medium! I have no hesitation in recommending ABCell-Bio”.