Human CD34+ Hematopoietic Progenitors

Human CD34+ Cells from Cord Blood

Our flagship product, guaranteed over 95% pure, with a high cell viability rate. We can supply all your needs from our large stocks via our unique network of maternity partnerships.
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Tax Credit (CIR) Agreement

Abcell-bio has obtained French Research Tax Credit (CIR) agreement

Abcell-bio has obtained the CIR agreement (Crédit d’Impôt Recherche; Research Tax Credit) from the French Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation for 2023, 2024 and 2025. Thanks to this agreement, our French partners can benefit from a tax refund on contractual services used for Research and Development activities.
Human Stem Cells

Stem cells isolated from cord blood

Abcell-bio specializes in research and the production of stem cells isolated from cord blood. We provide a reliable source of human stem cells, ensuring continuity in your research.
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Our products

Abcell-Bio offers a wide variety of Hematopoietic Cells isolated from cord blood or peripheral blood: CD34+, MNC, PBMC.

Abcell-Bio offers CD34+ cells isolated by immunomagnetic selection from umbilical cord blood.
Abcell-bio offers mononuclear cells (MNC) isolated from human umbilical cord blood using the Ficoll-Hypaque method.
Abcell-bio offers peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from human adult blood isolated using the Ficoll-Hypaque method.


We have created a partnership with maternity hospitals to collect cord blood.

Participate in research!

“Patients feel that they are useful and participate with this cord blood donation in their child’s future medical environment.”


Abcell-bio Secures CIR Agreement from French Ministry: Offering Enhanced Access to Cord Blood Cells and Tax Benefits for R&D Partners

Abcell-bio arose from the will to accompany research by facilitating the access to primary resources which are difficult to get, especially cells from cord blood.

With a strong and unique network of French maternities and a robust production process, Abcell-bio also develops a Research & Development activity to face the challenges of the upcoming research.


Did you say Red September?

Every year, we hear about Pink October and Movember, but Red September isn’t as widely recognized. This month is dedicated to raising awareness for blood cancers, which affect 45,000 individuals annually in France. ‘Live with a MPN’, a patient association, launched this initiative last year and is now rolling out its second edition.